Kundalini | Life FOrce ACTIVATION Events

YOU are the medicine. Awaken your natural life force energy and watch your life transform.

Kundalini is often described as the "coiled serpent" that lies dormant at the base of your spine.

Simply put:


When awakened, this powerful energy can bring about deep healing and whole-body transformation on the physical, emotional, and spiritual level.   

How does the energy work? 

As the kundalini energy awakens it begins to move through the body.  

Your own natural life force is amplified and your body will begin to detox, heal and balance your emotional and physical body. 

As pathways and energy centers clear, your body will naturally adjust to come back to balance, or homeostasis.

What is Kundalini Energy?  

Kundalini activation is a direct energy transmission that activates your kundalini, or life force energy.

When awakened, this powerful energy can bring about whole-body transformation on the physical, emotional, and spiritual level.   

During or after a  session, participants typically report experiencing:

  • feeling energized, mentally clear, renewed, and lighter.

  • emotional and mental breakthroughs

  • deep insights into life and life's purpose

  • more connection with self and others

  • strengthened intuition, shifts in perception of reality

  • bliss states/ deeper states of oneness

  • expanded consciousness and states of higher awareness

This process can be likened to a purification, awakening, regulation, remembrance, rebirth or transformation.

Having access to your own kundalini energy can impact every aspect of your life. 

It Powerfully allows you to release anything that isn't aligned to your highest expression.

Working from the inside - out, it offers a profound re-wiring of the way you approach life. 


While every body and process is unique, many report positive shifts that extend into every aspect of life, such as:

  • improved eating habits, weight loss, and release of emotional attachments to sugar, caffeine and other stimulants.

  • less stress, anxiety and more focused energy

  • more self love, compassion + forgiveness

  • unblocked creativity

  • more balanced emotionally day-to-day and in important relationship

  • ability to move past limiting beliefs, thought-patterns, and habits 

  • strengthened intuition and more ease and clarity around life decisions 

  • feelings of one-ness and connection to a higher purpose.

If you are open to receiving it, this practice has the power to unlock your highest potential, and re-shape your life in alignment with the fullest expression of self.

What Happens during a session?

You'll be guided to relax and lie down on a yoga mat and the session begins.

As the music is played, you'll receive a direct energy transmission of the kundalini frequency.

There is nothing you need to know or do to receive this energy.

A quieting of the mind and being fully present in the body will allow you to connect to this higher frequency. 

The more you are willing to surrender and be open to the process, the more you allow to happen in a session.

As your Kundalini energy awakens, you may experience:

  • Energy sensations such as tingling, warmth, and warmth in your hands and feet.

  • Spontaneous physical movements, like swaying, shaking, contractions, dance-like movements, twitching, jerky movements, graceful movements of the hands, yoga postures

  • Full range of emotional releases such as laughing, crying, and screaming.

  • Vocal releases like humming, singing, coughing, or sounds you have never made before 

  • Visualizations of color, multi-dimensional travel, connecting with higher frequencies

  • Stillness and deep states of meditaiton, bliss, oneness, and expanded consciousness.

Everyone's experience is unique and personal.  

The MOST important step: Integration

What happens AFTER a session is more important than what happens on the mat.

The kundalini activation session is designed to provide a safe space for your body to detoxify, release and clear blocks in your energetic, physical and emotional system. 

This looks different for everyone, and everyone will have a unique experience.

No matter how big or small your experience was on the mat, your frequency will be elevated for the next couple of days.

It is important to simply notice and observe yourself for the days following the session.  

The true growth, expansion, and alignment comes as this frequency is integrated into your day-to-day life after the sessions.

The activation of kundalini through energy transmission is different from most classical kundalini practices. 

Classic kundalini practices take a more "yang", or forceful, masculine, approach to awakening this energy using kundalini yoga or kundalini breathwork. 

Kundalini energy activation takes a more "yin", or feminine, surrendered approach, where you lie and receive a direct energy transmission. 

There is no force. 

In this way, you'll only experience what your body is ready for, at your own pace. 

You become your own healer as your own energy is activated. 

Your own natural life force is amplified and your body will begin to detox, heal and balance your emotional and physical body. 

As pathways and energy centers clear, your body will naturally adjust to come back to balance, or homeostasis.

In this way, kundalini energy activation creates a a powerful but gradual awakening process that is 100% natural and safe.

Is kundalini activation Safe?

About Your Facilitator

Dr. Lindsay has worked with hundreds of bodies over the past decade.

In her experience, the most  significant breakthroughs happen by addressing all levels of healing -- physical,  emotional, and energetic. 

In 2022, Dr. Lindsay discovered her own kundalini energy through an energetic transmission.

Amazed by its powerful effects on her own body, mind, and spiritual growth, she immediately immersed herself in the practice. 

She is honored to share this beautiful healing frequency with others!


  • This practice is for anyone that is curious and open to expansion and deeper levels of understanding themself and their reality. 

    It is for anyone that is interested in clearing stagnant energy, confusion, and repetitive and destructive patterns in order to wake up to a new way of being.  

    It is for the heart-centered individual looking to connect deeper with themselves, and to all those around them. 

  • It's always best to approach a session with open curiosity, without attachment to having any type of experience happening. 

    The energy has a natural intelligence. It will always meet you with where you are at and give you exactly what is needed for that day. 

    If you find you are stuck in the mind, and it is blocking your ability to surrender into the process, bring your awareness back to your body. 

    RELEASE any judgements or control impulses you have. 

    These 3 somatic tools can help you bring your awareness back to your body and quiet the mind: 

    1. Follow your breath 

    2. Listen to and enjoy the music

    3. Scan your body starting at your feet and tune into any sensations you feel

  • You may feel the benefits after a single session, but similar to a yoga practice or exercise, to receive the full benefits  requires sustained practice over time. 

    Many feel this practice is like an "energetic" shower that clears away stagnation and sets them up for their week ahead. 

    In the beginning, attending a session every week, or every other week, is recommend.

    That being said, everyone is unique, so listen to your own body's intuition for what is right for you.

  • Everyone has a different sensitivity to receiving this energy transmission.

    It can express as spontaneous physical movements, emotional releases, third eye visualizations, and deep states of peace, relaxation, and connection to self and others. 

    For some, over-active minds and layers of psycho-emotional "armoring" over the years that can make it difficult to fully surrender into the energy. 

    In the case that you don't feel anything during your first session, please know that the energy is still working for you.

    For some, it may take a couple of sessions for the energy to activate to a higher degree. 

    Listen to your intuition, if you feel called to attend another session, please do so! 

  • This practice is not suited or safe for those prone to seizures, mania, delusions, or psychosis. 

  • No. This practice may provide noticeable benefits to your physical and emotional health, but it is not intended to replace medical treatment or cure diseases or conditions.